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Trauma care

Trauma care

Trauma care at Dua Old Age Home is a specialized service aimed at addressing the unique needs of residents who have experienced physical or psychological trauma. Whether due to accidents, falls, medical emergencies, or other traumatic events, our approach to trauma care encompasses immediate response, medical intervention, rehabilitation, and emotional support. Here is how we manage trauma care:

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At Dua Old Age Home, our trauma care services are delivered with compassion, expertise, and a commitment to restoring health and well-being following traumatic events. We strive to provide comprehensive care that addresses physical, emotional, and rehabilitative needs, promoting recovery and improving quality of life for residents affected by trauma.


  1. Immediate Medical Response:
    • Our healthcare team is trained to respond swiftly to traumatic incidents, conducting initial assessments and stabilizing residents to prevent further injury or complications. This includes assessing vital signs, managing bleeding, and ensuring airway patency.
  2. Emergency Medical Treatment:
    • Residents receive immediate medical treatment based on the nature and severity of the trauma. This may include administering medications, wound care, immobilization of fractures, or arranging for emergency transport to a hospital if necessary.
  3. Diagnostic Evaluation:
    • Comprehensive diagnostic evaluations, including imaging studies (X-rays, CT scans) and laboratory tests, are conducted to assess the extent of injuries and guide further treatment decisions.
  4. Specialized Care and Monitoring:
    • Residents requiring intensive care receive specialized monitoring and management. This includes monitoring vital signs, neurological status, and organ function to detect complications early and optimize recovery.
  5. Surgical Intervention:
    • If surgical intervention is necessary, we coordinate with surgical teams and specialists to ensure timely and appropriate surgical care. Post-operative care is provided to support recovery and manage surgical wounds.
  6. Rehabilitation Services:
    • Rehabilitation begins early in the recovery process to promote physical and functional recovery. We offer specialized rehabilitation services, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, tailored to the individual’s needs and goals.
  7. Pain Management:
    • Effective pain management strategies are implemented to alleviate discomfort and promote comfort during the recovery period. Pain medications and non-pharmacological approaches are used based on the resident’s condition and response.
  8. Nutritional Support:
    • Nutritional needs are assessed and addressed through personalized dietary plans. Adequate nutrition supports healing and recovery from trauma, ensuring optimal nutrient intake through regular meals, supplements if needed, and hydration management.
  9. Psychosocial Support:
    • Emotional and psychological support is provided to residents and their families throughout the trauma care journey. Counselling, support groups, and pastoral care services are available to address emotional distress, anxiety, or trauma-related concerns.
  10. Discharge Planning and Follow-up Care:
    • Discharge planning begins early to facilitate a smooth transition from acute care to rehabilitation or home care. We collaborate with families, caregivers, and community resources to ensure ongoing support and follow-up care post-discharge.
  11. Safety and Prevention Education:
    • We emphasize safety education and injury prevention strategies to reduce the risk of future traumatic incidents. Residents and caregivers receive guidance on fall prevention, home safety modifications, and adaptive equipment use as needed.

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