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Hearing care

Hearing care

Hearing care at Dua Old Age Home is a critical aspect of our comprehensive approach to senior health and well-being. We understand the importance of maintaining auditory health and addressing hearing impairments effectively among our residents. Here is how we provide hearing care services:

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At Dua Old Age Home, our commitment to hearing care extends beyond basic services to promote overall quality of life for residents. We strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment where seniors with hearing impairments can thrive and enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle.


  1. Hearing Assessments:
    • Upon admission and as needed, residents undergo thorough hearing assessments conducted by qualified audiologists. These assessments help identify any hearing loss or impairment and determine the appropriate course of action.
  2. Hearing Aid Services:
    • For residents with hearing loss, we offer comprehensive hearing aid services. This includes fitting, adjusting, and maintaining hearing aids to ensure optimal comfort and functionality. Our staff educates residents on proper use and care of hearing aids.
  3. Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs):
    • We provide assistive listening devices such as amplified telephones, personal amplifiers, and television listening systems to enhance communication and auditory experience for residents with hearing difficulties.
  4. Communication Strategies:
    • Our caregivers are trained in effective communication strategies to accommodate residents with hearing loss. This may include speaking clearly, facing the resident directly, minimizing background noise, and using visual aids when necessary.
  5. Educational Workshops:
    • We conduct educational workshops and seminars on hearing health, prevention of hearing loss, and the importance of regular hearing screenings. These sessions aim to raise awareness and empower residents to take proactive steps in maintaining auditory health.
  6. Safety Alerts and Emergency Response:
    • We implement safety alerts and emergency response systems that are accessible to residents with hearing impairments. This ensures they can receive timely assistance and notifications in case of emergencies.
  7. Environmental Modifications:
    • Our facility is designed to minimize environmental factors that can impact hearing, such as controlling background noise levels and ensuring adequate lighting for lip-reading and visual cues during conversations.
  8. Collaboration with Healthcare Providers:
    • We collaborate with audiologists, otolaryngologists (ENT specialists), and other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive hearing care management. This includes referrals for further evaluation, treatment of underlying conditions, and adjustments to hearing aids as needed.
  9. Supportive Community Environment:
    • We foster a supportive community environment where residents with hearing impairments can engage in social activities, participate in group discussions, and maintain meaningful connections with others.
  10. Family and Caregiver Involvement:
    • We encourage family members and caregivers to participate in hearing care discussions, attend appointments, and support residents in managing their auditory health. Open communication ensures that everyone involved understands the resident’s needs and preferences.

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