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Emergency Case

Emergency Case

Contact in case of Emergency 24x7

Service Satisfaction rate

  • 24x7 availability of Ambulance with AC- Non-Ac and medical emergency equipment: In case of patient to be shifted from hospital to our care center and vice versa.
  • 24x7 availability of Nurses support in the ambulance throughout the ambulance run: In case of emergency, our nurses are available to take the patient to the hospital and vice versa.  
  • Ambulance technician support throughout the ambulance run: Technician also available in the ambulance  
  • 24*7 caretaker and attendant availability with day and night shifts.
  • 24*7 nurses’ availability with day and night shifts
  • Physiotherapy available as per the doctor’s prescription
  • Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) Devices: Such as CPAP and BiPAP machines for managing respiratory failure without intubation.
  • Portable Oxygen Concentrators: For patients requiring continuous oxygen.
  • Oxygen Masks with Reservoir Bags: For delivering high concentrations of oxygen.
  • Nebulizers: For bronchodilator and corticosteroid administration, especially in patients with COPD or asthma.
  • Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs): With geriatric settings for treating sudden cardiac arrest.
  • Cardiac Monitors: Capable of detecting arrhythmias common in elderly patients, such as atrial fibrillation.
  • Blood Pressure Monitors: Large cuff sizes and automated systems for easy monitoring.
  • Fall Mats and Bed Alarms: To prevent falls in patients at high risk.
  • Transfer Boards and Gait Belts: For safe movement of patients with limited mobility.
  • Pressure-Relieving Mattresses: To prevent pressure ulcers in immobile patients.
  • Hip Protectors: For elderly patients at high risk of falls.
  • IV Fluids: Isotonic solutions like normal saline or balanced electrolyte solutions for rehydration, considering the risk of fluid overload.
  • Nutritional Supplements: High-calorie, high-protein drinks for patients with malnutrition or difficulty eating.
  • Urinary Catheters: Indwelling and intermittent types, used with caution to prevent UTIs.
  • Sterile Dressing Supplies: For managing pressure ulcers or chronic wounds.
  • Gloves, Masks, and Gowns: Sized and available in abundance for infection control, especially important in immunocompromised elderly patients.
  • Hand Sanitizers and Disinfectant Wipes: For maintaining hygiene and preventing the spread of infections.
  • IV Access Devices: Including easy-to-insert IV catheters, considering the difficulty in obtaining venous access in elderly patients.
  • Hearing Aids and Communication Boards: To assist patients with hearing impairments in understanding and communicating with healthcare providers.
  • Comfort Items: Such as blankets, pillows, and low-stimulation environments to ease anxiety and agitation.
  • Blood Glucose Monitors: Tailored for elderly patients with diabetes, with easy-to-read displays.
  • Thermometers: Non-invasive, such as tympanic or infrared, to avoid discomfort.
  • Sharps Containers: For safe disposal of needles, with easy access for elderly patients using home injections.

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