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Coma care

Coma care

Coma care at Dua Old Age Home involves specialized attention and comprehensive support tailored to the needs of residents who are in a coma or have impaired consciousness. Our approach focuses on maintaining comfort, monitoring vital signs, preventing complications, and providing emotional support to both the resident and their loved ones. Here is how we address coma care:

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At Dua Old Age Home, we are committed to delivering compassionate and comprehensive coma care that respects the individual’s dignity, promotes comfort, and supports the best possible outcomes. Our multidisciplinary approach integrates medical expertise, specialized care protocols, and emotional support to meet the unique needs of residents in a coma and their families.


  1. Medical Assessment and Monitoring:
    • Residents in a coma receive continuous medical assessment and monitoring by our healthcare team. This includes monitoring vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature to detect any changes or complications.
  2. Neurological Evaluation:
    • Regular neurological assessments are conducted to evaluate brain function, responsiveness, and signs of improvement. These assessments guide ongoing care and treatment decisions.
  3. Comfort and Positioning:
    • Comfort measures are prioritized to ensure the resident’s physical comfort. Proper positioning techniques are used to prevent pressure ulcers and maintain body alignment. Soft bedding and supportive pillows are provided to enhance comfort.
  4. Nutritional Support:
    • Nutritional needs are addressed through specialized feeding methods based on the resident’s condition. This may include enteral feeding through a tube or intravenous (IV) nutrition to maintain adequate hydration and nutrition.
  5. Hygiene and Skin Care:
    • Residents receive meticulous hygiene care, including daily bathing, oral care, and skin checks to prevent infections and skin breakdown. Moisturizers and barrier creams are applied as needed to maintain skin integrity.
  6. Respiratory Support:
    • For residents requiring respiratory support, we ensure proper management of ventilator settings and monitoring of oxygen saturation levels. Respiratory therapists are involved in providing respiratory care and suctioning as necessary.
  7. Pain Management:
    • Pain assessment and management are integral components of coma care. Pain medications are administered as prescribed to alleviate discomfort and promote overall well-being.
  8. Family Support and Communication:
    • Open communication with family members is maintained to provide updates on the resident’s condition, treatment plan, and ongoing care. Families are encouraged to participate in care decisions and are offered emotional support during this challenging time.
  9. Rehabilitation and Therapy:
    • When appropriate, rehabilitation therapies such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy are initiated to maintain muscle tone, prevent contractures, and promote functional recovery as the resident emerges from the coma.
  10. Psychosocial Support:
    • Emotional support is provided to both the resident and their family members throughout the coma care process. Counselling services, pastoral care, and support groups are available to address emotional needs and promote resilience.
  11. End-of-Life Care Planning:
    • In cases where coma care transitions to end-of-life care, we provide compassionate support and guidance to residents and their families. Palliative care services are available to ensure comfort, dignity, and respect during this sensitive time.

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