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Cancer Patient care

Cancer Patient care

Caring for cancer patients at Dua Old Age Home involves a compassionate and specialized approach aimed at providing comfort, support, and comprehensive care throughout their journey. Here is how we address the needs of cancer patients at our facility:

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At Dua Old Age Home, we provide compassionate and comprehensive care for cancer patients, focusing on their physical comfort, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. Our goal is to support patients and their families through every stage of the cancer journey, offering a supportive environment where they can receive specialized care and personalized attention.


  1. Personalized Care Plans:
    • Each cancer patient receives a personalized care plan tailored to their specific diagnosis, treatment regimen, and individual needs. These plans are developed in collaboration with oncologists, palliative care specialists, and the patient’s family to ensure holistic and compassionate care.
  2. Medical Care and Monitoring:
    • We provide 24/7 medical supervision and monitoring to manage cancer symptoms, side effects of treatment, pain management, and overall health status. Our staff is trained to administer medications as prescribed and respond promptly to any medical emergencies.
  3. Pain Management:
    • Effective pain management is a priority for cancer patients. Our healthcare team employs a multidisciplinary approach to alleviate pain through medications, complementary therapies, and supportive care strategies tailored to individual needs.
  4. Nutritional Support:
    • Proper nutrition is crucial for cancer patients to maintain strength and support treatment outcomes. Our culinary team prepares nutritious meals that cater to dietary preferences and nutritional requirements, ensuring patients receive adequate nourishment during their stay.
  5. Emotional and Psychological Support:
    • Coping with cancer can be emotionally challenging. We provide emotional support, counselling services, and opportunities for patients to express their feelings and concerns. Support groups and therapeutic activities are also available to promote mental well-being.
  6. Comfort and Palliative Care:
    • For patients with advanced cancer or those receiving palliative care, we prioritize comfort and quality of life. Our facility is equipped with amenities and resources to enhance comfort, including comfortable living spaces, specialized beds, and access to spiritual and emotional support.
  7. Family Involvement and Communication:
    • We encourage family involvement in the care and support of cancer patients. Open communication, family meetings, and updates on the patient’s condition and care plan ensure collaboration and provide reassurance to family members.
  8. Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy:
    • Depending on the patient’s condition and treatment goals, we collaborate with physical therapists to develop rehabilitation programs. These programs focus on maintaining mobility, strength, and functionality to improve overall quality of life.
  9. End-of-Life Care and Support:
    • In cases where cancer is terminal, we provide compassionate end-of-life care and support. Our staff ensures that patients and their families receive dignified care, comfort measures, and emotional support during this difficult time.
  10. Continuity of Care and Community Resources:
    • We work closely with oncologists, hospice services, and community resources to ensure continuity of care. This includes coordinating outpatient appointments, accessing supportive services, and providing information on community resources for ongoing support.

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